Today was the birthday of my hubby dearest. BLAH. A Tuesday birthday? Weekend birthdays (or at least Fridays) are far more fun........but I was determined (with the help of my boys of course) to make this Tuesday birthday special, and we did the rootin' tootin' best we could (and I think we pulled it off.)
Elliott put his artistic skills to work and decorated a special coffee mug for his papa. We baked that sucker at 350 for 30 minutes (per suggestion of a brilliant post on Pinterest ) Now, daddy has a piece of home with him during his long work days. I've documented Elliott's creative process below. Please be assured that Hudson ran a strict quality control department. ONLY the best for Dad, he said... He didn't let anything slide,even though Elliott attempted bribery by giving him good boy stickers. Nope, won't work for Hudson. He runs a tight ship.
So that was the start of it...(oh, and the cupcakes I whipped up)
Then, I painted a little something for his office walls (which...will be a whole new blog one day. You'd never know his wife is a designer if you were to visit his office...but we are working on that.)
I also somehow managed to sanitize and deep clean our washing machine AND dishwasher, do the laundry, clean the house, AND do business work and some work on the benefit decor! PHEW, when energy pays me a visit, I don't send it packing. I love the days when no task seems too great or too daunting.
Below are some pictures of some of the DIY decor for the benefit. BUT I must say I didn't DIABM (do it all by myself) Turns out one of the perks to being a youth leader at church is that I now have a slew of energetic young ladies who enjoy crafting as much as I do....(please don't report me for child labor, I really do think they had fun.) I will try to post pictures from the event when all is said and done,
Just had to post this "boss" picture. It has me in quite a hearty chuckle. Hope it brings a smile to your face as well.
That's all for today......I'll fill you in on more soon!