Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Blog House Returns

Do you recall the original blog house? Well recently, we've found ourselves back at work! The living room is declared finished! Just waiting to post pictures until after Christmas decorations come down and all returns to usual.  The exciting news is that the dining room is close behind and should be finishing up quite soon!  I figured I would post pictures of the exciting progress.  We now have a new painted rug, and custom floral ready for the completion of the room! Next up is refinishing the dining table and chairs, putting up bead board, and setting up the organization station.  SO exciting.

So here are the pictures of the progress that we've made.  Can't wait for some before and after photos in the next few weeks.

Here is the rug just after being freshly painted!  I wish you could see it in person. If you can, do. It feels so warm, and soothing, and ties the first floor together oh so nicely.
 The pillows are now purchased! This is one of the "after" photos from the living room. I love how this house is finally turning into their home. 
 Another sneak peak of the living room...don't mind the construction heap in the corner. This too shall pass.
 And I can't forget our cozy little corner...complete with a yard sale salvage (the chair) that the homeowner picked up long before this room came to be.
 This magenta silk floral was one of my birthday gifts to this homeowner, and I can't wait to see it on that table once the room is completed. (The teal in the background? That will soon be crisp white bead board.
 Ah yes. A bit blurry, but there is that beauty of a rug in its new home.  Not the rug I had initially planned, but I must say I am well pleased with the evolution of this project. Remember the funky multicolored fabric we plan to use on the windows? Let's just say, this is going to look FABULOUS!
That's all I've got for today. Tune in again soon, and if you are lucky I will have more progress to show!

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