Friday, July 20, 2012

Creative Juices...much more filling than sugary drinks

Inspiration has hit....along with a bit of cooler weather (FINALLY!)  And actually that finally applied to both the inspiration AND the cool weather.  After ANOTHER heat wave in Baltimore, we had another week of less work than we had originally planned.  I was pondering what I might be able to accomplish in spite of it all, and figured, "Hey, why don't I do a painting for the dining room!?!"  So, tonight, that is EXACTLY what I did.  IT- WAS- A- BLAST.  Am I a bit over excited about making a painting? Probably.  But as the mom of two energy monsters....errr...darlings, I don't always get around to doing the extra fun and imaginative projects such as paintings.  Those things are luxuries these days.  BUT, hubby went off with some of the guys tonight, and as I sat in a quiet house, this project beckoned me. I couldn't say no!  I decided to use the new fabric for the dining room roller shades as my rough inspiration for the artwork. I should also note I painted this piece on an old bathroom shelf we tore out when we demoed my house.  I may save strange things, but I often use them eventually for something cool. Just remind dear hubs for me next time he laughs at my stash of "I"ll use this one day" stuff.

  NOTE: I still haven't decided if this will go in the kitchen or dining room (That is if the homeowner likes it of course...)  That's kind of how design works sometimes.  It isn't always an exact science. In fact, much of the time it is an art.  So, as the room evolves, it will most likely tell us exactly which route we need to take it.

Blah blah blah...ramble ramble....I need to work on being a more interesting blog writer. But until I master that skill, here are some photos of my evening of entertainment for your viewing pleasure.

I put a lot of texture into the piece and pulled the colors and flower inspiration from the shade fabric. I kind of like the whimsical feel it has. But that might just be me.  I'm kind of excited to see what this does visually once it is in the space.

This is my color mix station...kind of a piece of art in an of itself really.  I need to do this more often! 

There you have it.  A quick Saturday evening project that will hopefully liven up a space and bring charm right along with it.  No moral to this story. Just take time out to be inspired once in a while.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Return of the Blog Post

You may have noticed a brief hiatus.  Indeed, I was enjoying a break from the hustle and bustle as I returned to Indiana, PA where I was able to reunite with old college friends and the new slew of children that have since accumulated.  Sometimes, you forget how much has happened in life until you return to an old segment of your life.  It was so refreshing! The kids were great (even on the 4.5 hour journey there) and did just as well on the return leg of the trip.  And of course, who doesn't like a trip down memory lane that involves the place you met your spouse? (Ok, maybe some would rather forget...but I quite enjoyed it.)

During this particular trip, I was reminded of the importance of breaks and rest.  Golly, burn out is inevitable without it!  So, the past few days have been break days without blog house work.  All rest, however, is eventually met with things that do, in fact, need to be done and addressed.  So, we are getting back to work this week in a hopes that we can accomplish some more projects.  Coming up we hope to: have the dining room wall patched up and prepared to paint, create the dining room rug, find chairs for the dining room, create diy accessories, and if all goes smoothly, new dining room floors will be installed!  So lots to come.  If we are lucky, we won't hit any snags, and things will sail.  Hopefully that is the case, and I will bring pictures as the project moves forward.

Also was reminded just how fast the time does slip perhaps in hindsight, the blog house project will seem like it happened quite quickly.  As an example of how quickly time happens, and how much changes in such little time....below are some pictures of little Elliott James on his 1st birthday, and on his 2nd.  One year isn't that long...but boy has a lot changed!

Soon, I'll be posting before and afters that have you thinking the same thing!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Connecting the dots

Was it just me, or did all of you have connect the dots games in EVERY coloring book as you grew up?
I always thought it was funny....because I could see the picture even without connecting the dots, so it was just a formality of sorts to outline the image.  Now that I'm all grown up (or at least more grown up) I feel the same way about design projects.  I can see the finished plans in my head, and I love it, but filing in the blanks and connecting the dots makes it more clear for others who aren't inside my head. 

Before I get too far, I have to share this "smiley" picture of Elliott on his 2nd birthday. We celebrated the day by letting him get his very first library card.  He was so proud....but mostly just wanted to run around the library like a wild man.

What's that? You aren't reading this blog to hear all about my kids? Ok....Then back to the blog house I suppose.  The mold spotted wall has been torn into for investigation.....hopefully the worst of it will soon be behind us.  Also, we've moved some of the pieces into place just to visually map out the way we are taking things.

What a cool piece.  I'm excited with the direction things are going. Things are finally starting to move into place more and more each day.
 Awesome vintagy-rusticy-modernish fabric for the dining room. Fits in perfectly with the design direction we are going.  Also, the homeowner recently discovered her bird fetish, and thus was very pleased to see the birds incorporated in the fabric.
 Another view of the fabric. GREAT deal from a local fabric remnant store.  I'm sure we will be returning there sometime in the near future for some more great finds.
 In case you haven't yet noticed, I'm the queen of awful picture taking.  Hopefully this blog will give me some practice and allow me to improve.....but in the meantime, here is a picture of the fabric in application.  We recovered the original roller shades with the funky print and now have really fun new window treatments that add pizazz to the space.  Of course, the look will be much more thrilling when the rug and painting are complete thus incorporating the colors more completely.....but if you can follow the dots, I think you can trust that the end picture will be complete and fabulous.
Today, I feel like some of the dots were connected at the blog house.  The homeowner did a fantastic job clearing out the dining room, and we went to a fabric shop and purchased a fantastic fabric with vintage flair that we intend to use on the windows.  Little pieces perhaps, but they were pieces that instantly made me feel like the picture was coming together.  We are still looking for some inexpensive (perhaps even free) wooden dining chairs to paint for the room.  If any of you blog folk know of such a thing, please don't keep these secrets to yourself!  If you hang in there with me, I do believe the next few weeks will result in some REALLY fun before and after photos.

Until patient while the dots of your life slowly connect.  When you look back, it will seem silly that you didn't see the end picture.  Trust that there is an end picture, and that it DOES make sense even when you can't see it all.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Ready, Set, PAINT

Today we sorted through the dining room, assembled a piece of furniture, brought some pieces down from upstairs, and laid the groundwork to pull together our next projects for the dining room. 
When comparing the pace of the living room transformation, the dining room seems to be lagging, so it can be difficult to feel like a project is taking so long.  But the reality is, this room has a lot more to be done behind the scenes. A lot of projects that won't be super visible at all times, but will make this house function in a sensible fashion. Not only that, but the hustle and bustle of our daily lives become factors as well. And that's ok. Coming home feels all that much better when you are returning from a hectic schedule.  With each day we work, we are providing one more space of escape and peace in the home. Before long, the hustle and bustle will just serve as ways of making these homeowners even more grateful for the place they call home.

So here are a few things we are in the midst of, and anticipating.

I'm no Bob Villa, but this is my attempt at constructing what will soon be the organization station desk in the dining room. In a few weeks, we'll see if my "handywork" will hold up to the true test of human use. 
 I got this poster for the homeowner for her 30th birthday.  I also secretly (well I guess not-so-secretly now) really want to get it for my own house sometime. Because hey, if everybody knows the rules, I'm pretty sure this poster would bring order to my home.  If not, at least I could smile at it in the whining, frowning, and complaining moments....(not that they ever happen.)  Oh well, until I obtain one like it, I'm hoping this will bring some cheer to her home.  We haven't entirely decided on placement of the artwork pieces yet, but this one has a special place in the dining room for sure.
 When I was doing the initial walk through of the house, I saw this dresser hidden away in an upstairs room.  It is a fabulously fun piece, and I really wanted it to be seen.  SO? We have moved it into the dining room where it will serve as a buffet/kid art storage/pet dish storage/extra eating space for guest piece.  I just love it when pieces can be turned from a single use item into a piece with many many uses.  Can't wait to show you the end result of this one.

 Here are the drawers that belong to the dresser.  For the style of this home, I actually really like the worn nature of them.  What is this style you may ask? I'm calling it a cross germination of modern funk with rustic charm.  Sound like an oxymoron? Maybe, but it is turning out really cool, so we're rolling with it.
 If you examine extra close you'll see we are getting things cleared out and organized piece by piece. Once things are cleared out, we'll get to work on refinishing pieces and setting up organization stations.  And yes....the blue IS going...that portion of the project is just more work intensive, and is taking a while to accomplish. But as with all things, it will get done! But while we wait on handyman help for this project, we're working on the other items that we can do in the meantime.
 The original table top shown below will be painted solid (I'm withholding the color for now) . A fun rug will also be an upcoming DIY project to add interest to the room. I wish I could tell you all of the fun things planned,but goodness, I have to save something for future posts. Just know that I am officially excited.  Hope you are too.
As I was working today, my sweet Elliott came in with a plastic hammer and said "Hey Mom, I fix it, K?"  What a sweet little helper he is.  Also, he is turning 2 tomorrow! My how time flies when you are having fun.  Maybe that means the dining room progress will start to fly.....we'll see.
 One last view of the table before the look is totally transformed.  That, I believe, is a project very very near to being finished. And the floor below? Hopefully also sooner rather than later.
 I am reminded of the story of the tortoise and the hare. Slow and steady wins the race.  Shortcuts will only hurt us in the long term.  SO? Stay tuned, and when the time is right, you'll see the amazing transformation.  Also, final living room reveal pictures are VERY CLOSE.  A few pillows, accessories, and wall hanging projects and I'll bring the final before and after pictures.  In the meantime, take it slow and take it steady. No need to rush ahead.  Life is crazy enough already. Just enjoy the small victories, and before you know it, you'll be looking back on big successes.

Friday, July 6, 2012

A Picture is Worth More Than a Wordy Blog Post....

 I want to get to know my blog readers (and if you are reading this, that means YOU.)  As these projects move forward, I'd love your feedback. Let me know if there is ever anything you'd like me to cover.  Do you have any design questions? Is there something you'd like to learn?  Now please, don't get me wrong, this is MY blog after all, so I will often write on the things I'm in the midst of.  BUT, there would be no point in me going on if you weren't interested in tuning in.  I'd love to hear from you! So that's moving right along.

 Drum roll puh-lease............I finished the foyer floor today AND remembered my camera this time. So I figured I'd post the pictures right away so you can see what I'm getting excited about.  I got a bit carried away with pictures (probably to compensate for forgetting my camera last time.) But hopefully this will give you the thrill and excitement it gives me.

Here is the floor before the final coats of color were applied (the grid was still showing through a bit.)

View from the living room, into the awesome-floor-foyer, into the soon to be beautiful dining room.

Second coats have been applied! Now just imagine a beautiful floor in the dining room and we are really going places!  I wish you could see inside my really does all look so beautiful in the end, I promise.

ANOTHER BIG REVEAL! (Pardon the glare from my flash) We made silhouettes of the family as one of our DIY art projects.  Curious George included of course, as he is their 4 year old's bestest imaginary friend. Simply take a picture of each family member in front of a white wall, print it out to the size you'd like....cut out, trace onto black paper....cut that out, and apply to the frame of your choice.  The actual project probably took less than 15 minutes, and only cost the amount of the frames and construction paper.  NOT- TOO- SHABBY.   
 That's right kitchen floors....You're next! After we get the walls and cabinets painted, this floor will look much like the foyer floor.  What a funky and fun kitchen this will be!

 I may not have mentioned it, but this work is EXHAUSTING! The homeowner's shoulder became the perfect resting spot for Huddy while I completed the foyer floor.
Ok, I may have gone overboard with the photos....but it's like when you first have a baby. You just-can't-stop taking pictures!  So here is just one more view of this beaut of a foyer floor.
 Remember my last post about organizing? Yeah....that's tonight's project; empty out the dining room and prepare for amazing transformation.  As you may see, the bead board is purchased and awaiting install and paint. Soon my friends, so so soon.  Still no word on the wall with the water spot, and for that reason that wall remains unpainted.  Hopefully in the next few days we'll know more on that, but in the meantime, the other 3 walls are about to get some much needed attention! But first....the organization project of emptying out the room! Not only that, be in this transformation, we are doing as much reusing and re-purposing as possible. Wait until you see the transformations we'll be doing to pieces that were originally in this room.
 Elliott is closing his eyes and waiting for the next big reveal!  Ok, actually, he was just "smiling" for me.....but the next big reveal will be another fun one for sure people.

So there you have it! Are you excited or what!?!  A few more DIY projects to report on soon.
Until then, think outside of the box! Claustrophobia is never ever fun.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Aaaaannnnd We're Back

At long last, power has been restored to the blog house, and thus the work has resumed.  This morning, I finished the chevron strip painting for the foyer!  Now, the homeowners just have to put on the 2nd coat, let it try, and apply the poly for the top coat. The stairway needs a second coat of paint as well.  Then, we can check off another "room" that is fully painted. Of course, I forgot my camera today (DOH!) But it is for the best, instead, you'll get to see pictures of the FINISHED floor! YEEE-HAW. Also on the list? Put up the bead board beneath the chair rail in the dining room and finalize the painting in there.  ALSO on the list? Sew a slip cover for an old ottoman that we can reuse in the living room.  Choppy and piecemeal, yes, but each little bit contributes to our progress and puts us a step closer.  The house is surely transforming with each project. 

The biggest goal for the dining room (which is really the biggest upcoming project to complete) is to create organization stations.  Not sure if I've ever mentioned this in my sweet little blog here, but having stations with assigned tasks makes life SOOO much easier! Have I mastered it? No-sir-e-bob. But, the more I implement and stick with the station strategy, the less I find myself running around like a chicken with no head.  I also imagine that this will eventually help to lessen the burden of the "M-oooo-m, where's this" "M-oooooo-m where's that" part of motherhood that so many women deal with. 

Let's be honest, who doesn't want a less hectic life? Who doesn't want their home to flow and function with grace and ease? So anyway in an attempt to provide the homeowner with those things, the dining room will have hidden chalkboard messaging stations/ kids go crazy with chalk stations, cork board a bill pay/organizing desk station, an art and entertainment storage station, and if all goes well, we will also be able to store tableware in a much more functional fashion. Am I a total nerd that this completely excites me?  When I am stressed, I find the easiest method of stress reduction is cleaning and organizing. Instant cure. 

I guess that's enough information for one day.  Now some random pictures to complete this entry.
Until next time, keep it neat.

Monday, July 2, 2012

One Step Forward...Two Steps Back

I get way too excited sometimes.  Seeing change and progress happening before my eyes inspires me and makes me feel like the world can change one small action at a time.  But sometimes, what I forget is that there are always going to be road blocks along the way.  We were really going places with blog house, but we then had a series of CRAZY....I mean, uber frightening, heart-racing-scary storms that flew through Baltimore.  The result? Tree limbs all over the blog house property followed by NO POWER for what the power company said could be over a week. OY!  I am so thankful to still have power (especially after our own series of power/gas issues over the last year) but I feel terrible for the blog house family.  Until power can be restored, they are uprooting themselves to cooler climate.

I guess the lesson I take from this set back is this; When adversity strikes, do we sit and concentrate on the difficult circumstances, or do we take that opportunity to set up and plan for the future.  Please know I'm not just referring to something as trivial as home design set backs. I mean, the real, hard, life stuff. So, because we are lacking a blog house story today....let me share a story from my life in a hopes it will encourage you in your own setbacks.

The day was Tuesday, February 7th. I was tiredly working my way through my week caring for my 1 year old son.  Exhausted, because I was preparing to welcome our 2nd son into the world in 6 weeks, and hopeful because the end of the week held one last getaway with my hubby before life got us back into the crazy zone again.  4 am arrives....along with the aforementioned setback to our plans.  FULL BLOWN LABOR.....May I remind you this was 6 weeks ahead of schedule. I'll spare all of the details since this isn't intended to be that kind of blog...but let's just say I had a very complicated labor, and was very lucky to make it out with my life AND the life of our brand new Hudson Joel.  This also meant no chance for a getaway.....and instead a 2 week ticket to the NICU.

Granted, we had INCREDIBLE help from family and friends, but I tried really hard to approach it all with an attitude of trust.  I also can't credit much of that to myself though, because the Lord really did provide me with a sense of peace.  But it was because of that peace that I could approach the situation by looking to the future instead of fearing the present difficulties.  I took that time to plan things for the future, to get myself organized, and to give myself things to look forward to.

I really don't want to bore you with this I'll just leave it at this; When adversity arrives, kindly greet it, and inform it that you would love to stay and chat, but you have some light at the end of the tunnel to tend to. We have some awesome things planned for blog house once power is restored. In the meantime, I'm using that time to make the plans more concrete and organized so when we are back in action, we are back full force.

What adversity is all up in your grill?  How can you meet it head on and make the best of it?
Be encouraged.  And until next time, get planning for the bright future ahead.