Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Return of the Blog Post

You may have noticed a brief hiatus.  Indeed, I was enjoying a break from the hustle and bustle as I returned to Indiana, PA where I was able to reunite with old college friends and the new slew of children that have since accumulated.  Sometimes, you forget how much has happened in life until you return to an old segment of your life.  It was so refreshing! The kids were great (even on the 4.5 hour journey there) and did just as well on the return leg of the trip.  And of course, who doesn't like a trip down memory lane that involves the place you met your spouse? (Ok, maybe some would rather forget...but I quite enjoyed it.)

During this particular trip, I was reminded of the importance of breaks and rest.  Golly, burn out is inevitable without it!  So, the past few days have been break days without blog house work.  All rest, however, is eventually met with things that do, in fact, need to be done and addressed.  So, we are getting back to work this week in a hopes that we can accomplish some more projects.  Coming up we hope to: have the dining room wall patched up and prepared to paint, create the dining room rug, find chairs for the dining room, create diy accessories, and if all goes smoothly, new dining room floors will be installed!  So lots to come.  If we are lucky, we won't hit any snags, and things will sail.  Hopefully that is the case, and I will bring pictures as the project moves forward.

Also was reminded just how fast the time does slip perhaps in hindsight, the blog house project will seem like it happened quite quickly.  As an example of how quickly time happens, and how much changes in such little time....below are some pictures of little Elliott James on his 1st birthday, and on his 2nd.  One year isn't that long...but boy has a lot changed!

Soon, I'll be posting before and afters that have you thinking the same thing!

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