Thursday, July 5, 2012

Aaaaannnnd We're Back

At long last, power has been restored to the blog house, and thus the work has resumed.  This morning, I finished the chevron strip painting for the foyer!  Now, the homeowners just have to put on the 2nd coat, let it try, and apply the poly for the top coat. The stairway needs a second coat of paint as well.  Then, we can check off another "room" that is fully painted. Of course, I forgot my camera today (DOH!) But it is for the best, instead, you'll get to see pictures of the FINISHED floor! YEEE-HAW. Also on the list? Put up the bead board beneath the chair rail in the dining room and finalize the painting in there.  ALSO on the list? Sew a slip cover for an old ottoman that we can reuse in the living room.  Choppy and piecemeal, yes, but each little bit contributes to our progress and puts us a step closer.  The house is surely transforming with each project. 

The biggest goal for the dining room (which is really the biggest upcoming project to complete) is to create organization stations.  Not sure if I've ever mentioned this in my sweet little blog here, but having stations with assigned tasks makes life SOOO much easier! Have I mastered it? No-sir-e-bob. But, the more I implement and stick with the station strategy, the less I find myself running around like a chicken with no head.  I also imagine that this will eventually help to lessen the burden of the "M-oooo-m, where's this" "M-oooooo-m where's that" part of motherhood that so many women deal with. 

Let's be honest, who doesn't want a less hectic life? Who doesn't want their home to flow and function with grace and ease? So anyway in an attempt to provide the homeowner with those things, the dining room will have hidden chalkboard messaging stations/ kids go crazy with chalk stations, cork board a bill pay/organizing desk station, an art and entertainment storage station, and if all goes well, we will also be able to store tableware in a much more functional fashion. Am I a total nerd that this completely excites me?  When I am stressed, I find the easiest method of stress reduction is cleaning and organizing. Instant cure. 

I guess that's enough information for one day.  Now some random pictures to complete this entry.
Until next time, keep it neat.

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